User Accounts
Can I use RightsTrade without being associated to a company?

As an online marketplace of vetted and trusted industry professionals, we encourage all users to associate themselves with an already registered company or to register their company on our site. We want to ensure the integrity and reliability of the RightsTrade Market on Demand™.

Although you can postpone this step, as a user with no associated company you will not be able to access all of the RightsTrade features.

Can I share or transfer my account?
As an online marketplace of vetted and trusted industry professionals we want to make sure that you know who you are dealing with. Accounts are personal and may not be shared or transferred without our permission. Doing so is in conflict with the Terms & Conditions of your registration. You can contact us at for more information.
Can I have more than one account?
Each member account is associated to an email address and a member company, which will require the approval of the company administrator. You can only have multiple accounts associated with different companies as long as you provide separate emails and receive the required permissions from the corresponding company administrators.
How do I know if I am considered a seller or a buyer under RightsTrade criteria?

If you are a content owner or authorized representative in the business of licensing media distribution rights, you are a seller.

If you are a member of a vetted company that is in the business of acquiring media rights to distribute or sub-distribute in at least one audio-visual medium, you are a buyer.

Even if you are not a buyer or a seller, you can still participate in the RightsTrade community and connect with thousands of entertainment industry professionals in our contact database.

Whether you are representing a film festival, a media outlet or any other business related to the media and entertainment industry, there is a place for you on RightsTrade. By generating your company profile, you and your organization will be searchable entities within the platform and you will be able to communicate with any RightsTrade user. Any seller will be able to send you screener invitations.

If you have additional questions not answered in our FAQs, please contact us at We appreciate your feedback.


